
The Knowledge of Life

Ayurveda originates from the ancient Indian holistic medical system and has been practiced for at least 5.000
years. It is considered to be one of the oldest healing systems in the world and it deals with the mind, body,
and spirit simultaneously. Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words Ayur (life) and Veda (the science of
knowledge). It was developed almost in parallel with Hippocratic medicine of ancient Hellas but without its
knowledge and practice being lost throughout the centuries. In fact, the two are very similar. In Hippocratic
medicine, the 4 humors (black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, blood) are thought to be responsible for influencing
the body and its emotions. In Ayurveda, the 3 doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) are believed to be responsible for
a person’s physiological, emotional, and mental health. 

Ayurveda practitioners believe that everyone is composed of 5 basic elements: ether, air, fire, earth & water.
Ayurveda treats the human being as a whole and is based on the belief that good health is the result of the
harmony that exists between all three levels of an individual’s existence; physical, emotional, and spiritual.
It deals with diseases from a holistic approach, taking into account factors such as heredity, diet, family,
environment, habits, etc. Practicing Ayurveda helps us understand how we can attain and maintain harmony
according to our biological constitution (prakriti) and remain healthy despite the ever-changing external
variables (vikriti) of our demanding and fast-paced modern lifestyle. 

Within a brief consultation, the dominant dosha will be determined in order to understand the personality,
the emotional expression, and any physical imbalances. Through identifying the biological constitution
(mental and physical DNA at conception that rarely changes) and the unique proportion of the three doshas:
Vata (ether and air), Pitta (fire), Kapha (earth and water) we begin to understand how to holistically heal in
accordance with the right nutritional diet, exercise, and spiritual practice that is compatible to us. 

A basic healing practice of Ayurveda is the Ayurvedic Massage with which a healer uses specific moves and
techniques to unblock the energy within the body of the person based on their specific combination of the
doshas. It aids in strengthening the immune system. Most of our body pains are caused because of trapped
energy in specific areas, which is released through the Massage. 

Ayurvedic Massage has excellent results in cases such as: 

  • anxiety & stress
  • sleeping disorders
  • muscle, joint and nerve pain
  • headaches and migraines 
  • digestive or stomach disorders
  • problems of the lymphatic system etc.

Vassilia can discern what the body needs due to her spiritual knowledge intuitively intervening during the
sessions. She connects with the body and the body guides her to where the attention is needed.

**Ayurveda cannot replace any medical diagnosis or medication in any way.