Therapeutic Dowsing

Cleansing of the Energy Field for Harmony in Our Lives

The sacred philosophy of Therapeutic Dowsing is based on the detection and measuring of energies, also
called vibrations, which are perceivable beyond our five senses. It comes from Ancient Hellas and the
Hellenistic period in Egypt and is related to significant men like Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle. Therapeutic
Dowsing carries the deep knowledge and wisdom of Hermes the Trismegistus, also known as the Greek God
Hermes and the Egyptian God Thoth. 

Everything in the universe is energy. To detect the energies in the multidimensional human body, including
the subtle bodies, a highly sensitive and advanced tool is used called the Aurameter of Horus (solar and
celestial Egyptian God, identified with Apollo), also known as a type of pendulum. The Aurameter first
detects and then helps translate the energy, by way of specific diagrams and holograms, to a language we
can understand. By using the Aurameter, energy blockages are found in one or all of the subtle bodies, which
might cause various imbalances, and bring them back to a balanced state. 

The Aurameter used to practice Therapeutic Dowsing is designed and programmed to serve for the highest
good with kindness and love. After the healing session, since our vibration increases and the functionality of
our energy centers (chakras) and the energy flow of our whole existence improves, changes in our behavior
and interpersonal relations or even in our physical body are immediately apparent.

What can be dowsed:

  • our chakras (polarity and functionality)
  • our vital energy and vibration
  • subconscious beliefs that often block goals in our life
  • energy contamination of our whole existence
  • the energy of our personal habitat, such as the home or work environment
  • our nutritional diet, food intolerance and/or allergies
  • deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, biochemical salts, etc.
    and much more…

**Therapeutic Dowsing cannot replace any medical diagnosis or medication in any way.