Icaria - The Female Goddess


Vassilia knew from a small child that Icaria was special and that she would one day make her home there.
There was never another option. No matter if you have roots in Icaria or not, everyone is drawn back to the
island more than once. Icaria’s true essence is that of a Female Goddess and a Mother. She pampers, calms,
grounds, and nurtures all living organisms on the island. She loves all of her children and is a force that will
continue to emerge through the karmic energy of the island. Icaria is special because she continues to thrive,
not despite, but thanks to her historical past and ecological structure, her ability to accept and adapt, and
her remarkable capability to heal. 

The island wasn’t always as known as it is now. It started attracting people in the ’80s who were moving
away from traditional touristic places and who preferred to camp and to live and mix with the islanders. Fully
aware, they were enjoying the unique culture that Icaria offered; fully unaware, they were feeling something
energetically exceptional. The idiosyncratic island had begun developing a character that differentiated it
from other islands and people had started to feel it. Unapologetically lush, simple, and unpretentious, Icaria
has a palpable magnetic force that constantly attracts people. It’s an unbelievably unique place for various
reasons spanning from political, social, and economic to psychological, physiological, and medicinal. There
are many circumstances that continue to make the island unique although it wasn’t always treated as so.


Icaria has karmic energy leftover from as far back (and most likely earlier) as the Roman Empire when it was
filled with exiles. During the Byzantine era, Icaria was a place where members of royal families were exiled
if they were deemed a threat to their family’s thrones. At that time, Icarians were also at the mercy of pirates
that were antagonizing the entire island. In the 1940s, during the Hellenic Civil War, the government used
Icaria as a place for punishment and sent thousands of Communists from the mainland to the island, which
was later referred to as the “Red Island.” Since there is an absence of documents that state the reason for
choosing Icaria over other islands, there are a few speculations involving geographical characteristics
(distance, lack of ports), political reasons (many on the island were known supporters of the Left party), and
social reasons (because of poverty they were viewed as second-class citizens). 

Whatever the true reason, Icarians had always welcomed exiles with open arms. During that time, they
allowed them to assimilate into their culture by giving them abandoned homes and letting them work the
gardens or in places where they were not visible. To this day, the children of the exiles will return to Icaria
searching for the people that housed their relatives and gave them Icaria to call home. 

Icarians had lived close to the sea until pirates infiltrated the island. Their savviness led them to retreat into
the mountains where they built their stone houses to face inward so, from the sea, the infiltrators saw rocks
that blended in with the mountains. To stay hidden and safe, they moved around quietly only at night. This
late-night mobility became a characteristic of the Icarians still to this day. It is said that dogs are not as
welcome on the island as cats are because during the pirates’ period if they barked, they would shine a light
on their location.


Because of the weather, terrain, and the lack of ports, an autonomous spirit and economy emerged and have
defined the characteristics of the people since. They had to become fully equipped to be self-sufficient. The
people united (and continue to unite) and a plan was developed in order for ALL to survive. They all played
their part and those that had more gave to those that had less. This way of life is still visible today. Although
this mentality and way of life were happening many years before Communism, this may be another
speculation why Icarians are thought to sway more to the left. 

The islanders depend on each other. During the winter and for as long as two-three months, it can be
difficult. It’s cold, dark, windy, and hard to move around. There may not be a ship or an airplane coming to
the island for an entire week if the weather is bad. But, with close friends around you, the days pass with a
warm heart. Icarians are also very tolerant and accepting of different mentalities and behaviors. Where the
people of other islands may not dedicate their time to get to know you or understand you, Icarians will sit
with you and most importantly, accept you.


The polarities of the island are extreme: from mountains to the sea; cold winters to warm summers; bare
cliffs to green valleys, Icaria is a true paradise! Even the royal “blue” bloods who were living amongst pirates
or simply the polarity of time to the rest of the world is extreme. The island is small, essentially two large
rocks, yet so much diversity exists! From the seaside, which is deep and can be rough, to the tops of the
mountains, you can find a large range of nature. You may find as many herbs growing as the island of Crete.
Metamorphic rocks such as marble, gneiss, and slate grow on the east side of the island along with igneous
rocks like granite on the west. 

The geomorphic contrast of the island alone expresses how Icarians have had to adapt and become clever
in order to survive. You can witness the extremes just from the north side of the island to the south side or
from east to west. The land morphology that shapes biodiversity strongly influences the character of the
people. Because the island is mountainous, there is a lack of flatlands, which means they must be resourceful
in order to cultivate food. They grow “outwardly” on the slopes of mountains by building agricultural

Because intensive agriculture is not common on the island, the soil is richer and it lacks a need for synthetic
chemicals and pesticides especially in private home gardens. The land is more virgin than most and the water
used is solely from the natural springs. This is not to say that there are no pesticides and chemicals used
ever, but only to express that the land is able to regenerate itself naturally, therefore, aiding in cleaner


The Earth’s healing capacity exists all around us in all areas but there are some places that simply have a bit
more energy coming up from the Her. Icaria has 8 therapeutic radio energized natural hot springs that are
known to be among the top in the world for their healing qualities. The existence of so many thermal hot
springs and granite, an igneous rock, may indicate that Icaria was not formed by just any rock, but from
volcanic rock. Some of the known minerals on the island are tourmaline, hematite, and andalusite, which
offer metaphysical and physical healing properties

Icaria is one of the 5 Blue Zones in the world. The environment is conducive to old age. This doesn’t mean
that you can go to Icaria and buy the honey and live forever; it’s an entire lifestyle. The topography of the
island lends a hand for an active way of life. There was and has always been a lot of walking, engaging in the
community, living far away from the heaviness of politics in a big city, and enjoying a slower pace of life,
which in all helps combat stress. Clean air and clean eating with many fruits and vegetables also play a major
role not only in keeping the physical body healthy but also the mind and spirit. 



Icaria is a FREE LAND! She’s full of opportunities for everyone. If you are ready to seek, you will find them.
Icaria is a piece of land surrounded by sea, yet there are no limits. Whatever you want or need, she will
provide for you! Icaria is a Goddess and you must respect her and take the initiative to adjust to her. For
those that take advantage, the island can be hostel and aggressive and will not show generosity to everyone.
When we are humble, every Divine Energy that exists in the universe will provide for all of us. 

Many people do not come to live on Icaria but they come to rest, breathe, surf, or heal. They may also come
to have fun and drink or to meet new people, fall in love, and create families. The term “love immigrant” is
used frequently on the island for those that fall in love and move to Icaria. Whatever the experience you
choose, it can be wild just like the island. 

You have the right to choose how you want to spend your time there. In larger cities, boundaries seem to
exist much more, on Icaria if feels that everything is limitless. 

You have the right to enjoy the nourishing and healing offerings of the island.

You have a choice to live a very unique life exactly how you want to design it.

Through Vassilia’s eyes, THIS IS ICARIA.