Family/Systemic Constellation

Becoming the Chain Breaker

Bert Hellinger and his pioneering views on family dynamics and their effects on the evolving generations
have offered us yet another integrative way to heal from our family’s trauma that we sometimes carry as
our own. Family/Systemic Constellation is a therapeutic process to help us break patterns of addiction,
illness, failure, lack of, and more. It’s a safe approach that offers immediate benefits in most cases.

The idea behind the Family/Systemic Constellation is that every person in the family has a special place. They
all have a right to fit in (even in cases of stillborn or aborted babies). When a member has suffered from
illness, addiction, immorality, or any type of misfortune or failure, the energy could be passed to other family
members in later generations. This happens because, for some reason, the descendant consents to take on
the ancestor’s trauma, with the intention of their soul to break the pattern. This energy can show up in
different or similar ways, in any level or areas of life (family, personal, professional) by raising obstacles and
challenges, therefore it should to be released and shifted in order to free the person that is carrying it.
Family/Systemic Constellation is a way to honor and acknowledge the fate of our past and to restore love
and acceptance so that the patterns of obstacles and suffering are broken.

This therapeutic process is done within a group or in one-to-one setting (in person or online).

**Family/Systemic Constellation cannot replace any medical diagnosis or medication in any way.