Herbal Medicine

Total Connection with Mother Nature

Herbal Medicine, Herbalism, or Phytotherapy uses herbs and plants to treat diseases and maintain health.
Our knowledge of Herbal Medicine predates written human history and essentially has existed since the
beginning of time. Every ancient civilization recognized and used plants and trees for medicinal purposes.

Since the time of Hippocrates (460-377 BC), Pedanius Dioscorides (10-90 AD), and Galen (129-199 AD),
thousands of herbs along with their therapeutic qualities have been recorded and now certified by modern
science. Unfortunately, ancient Doctors’ herbal knowledge was lost during the dark ages.

Similar knowledge and therapeutic practices existed in other areas such as Shamanic Medicine in the
Americas, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ayurvedic Medicine in India. Even today, some societies
around the world still use herbs as primary medicine.

Herbal Medicine uses crude plant material such as the root, stem, bark, flower, fruit, seeds, and leaves that
is collected during a specific time in its development. These herbal supplements come in different forms
such as pills, tinctures, powders, creams, gels, and even brewed as a tea (infusion or decoction).

Tinctures have a direct and holistic effect on the physical body, helping to treat physical symptoms and
even psychological disorders. As long as they are prepared by specialists and administered by a doctor or
herbalist, they are completely safe, without side effects and can work in addition to any other herbal or
chemical treatment.

Tinctura Madre, herbal tinctures, are prepared using a mixture of a specially made vegetable-based alcohol
(from an Icarian winery) and Icarian spring water, in which the medicinal substances are extracted.

Since Icaria is blessed with a plethora of herbs, I am able to collect at least a hundred species of herbs
during different periods of time. The medicinal parts of the herbs that are above ground are harvested
during the full moon and the ones below (roots) are harvested during the new moon. The herbs are
collected by hand with specific tools in order to preserve the balance of nature. They are dried in such a
way that their natural qualities are preserved. When collecting wild native plants, it is necessary to have a
license from the local forestry.

Everything we eat and drink contains a frequency. This is the frequency that we need in order to balance
the elements in our body. Our body is the whole universe.

“As above, so below; As within so without” is a Hermetic quote thought to shed light onto the union of two
opposites (an opposition and a connection) such as the spiritual world above and the Earth below, or the
mind (above) and the body (below it). To take it a step further, herbs that exist on the outside serve a
purpose inside the human body.


**Herbal Medicine cannot replace any medical diagnosis or medication in any way.